Citrix Cloud: Taking it to 5×9’s (and beyond!)

This will be the first in a 3 part series of Citrix Cloud for Business Continuity and High Availability design articles You may have noticed Citrix Cloud is at a 99.9% SLA. You may want the service to be guaranteed to be 99.999% available (or greater). In this article, I’ll explain why the service usability …
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Your time managing antivirus would be better spent getting virtualized

As a recovering beat up sysadmin, one of my least desired tasks was management of enterprise Anti-Virus. I’ve had experiences with multiple vendors, but there was always one consistent truth … I could never get 100% endpoint compliance or stability.   My AV clients across the globe would repeatedly suffer one or multiple fates. They’d …
Continue reading Your time managing antivirus would be better spent getting virtualized